One of the most commonly asked questions from new tree climbers is “should I purchase a dynamic rope for safer falls or a static rope for easier climbing?”. Professional Arborists would agree, Static rope is adequate. Static ropes enable most of your energy to pull your body up the rope, as opposed to wasting your energy from the stretchiness when using a dynamic rope.

When ascending a rope there is no need to worry about falling as the rope is always tight under the pressure of your body weight. However, if you get to a section of the tree where you decide to climb the branches instead of your rope you must always keep the line taught. This is important so that if you slip off the branch you will not fall. As opposed to allowing slack to build up, if you slip off a branch you will build momentum while falling down until all of the slack in your rope is gone and this can create a very painful fall.

Dynamic ropes are made to absorb energy, using a dynamic rope to climb would feel like climbing a rubber band!